2 – 2.5m tall
Comes in a 45L bag
A pyramidal, fastigiate form and possibly the narrowest growing Pyrus cultivar in Australia. An excellent choice for restricted areas, around carparks, along narrow medians in both the public and private domain.
After purchasing these beauties in a juvenile state from award-winning Fleming’s Nurseries in Melbourne, they have been grown and nurtured at Winwood Advanced Tree nursery in Gordon, Victoria.
Read more about this glorious tree below.
Contact us to book an appointment.
*Delivery available
Lustrous, dark green leaves changing to reddish-purple in autumn.
Adaptable to a wide range of site conditions including quite dry areas, slightly alkaline soils and air-pollution. Also able to handle intermittently wet, heavy soils. Best in full sun.
Abundant white flowers produced in large corymbs during spring.
Small, russet coloured, inedible fruit.
The Capital Ornamental Pear grows to 11m x 3m in size.